Kendra Smoot
Tucked on a hilltop of San Anselmo we visited Kendra Smoot in her warm and charming home. Kendra, a photo prop stylist and art director, has built a welcoming oasis with her husband and photographer Seth Smoot, where they live with their three children. Each detail draws you in and creates a feeling of comfort by layering thoughtful details that keep you wanting to explore. We caught up with Kendra and chatted about her daily rituals, aspirations, and the communities that keep them connected.
Can you give us a glimpse into your morning routine?
I’ve been focused on health and connection in the mornings lately. I try to get up an hour or two before my kids. I love having warm lemon water first thing that I drink while walking the dog with Seth or on the way to the gym for yoga or weights. I usually do a dry brush, oil pull, or an ice water facial each day- just something small and simple that makes me feel great. When the kids wake up there’s a nice hour of getting ready and having breakfast and making lunches together.
Do you have daily rituals?
I try to take a moment at the beginning of the day to identify a thing or two that if I accomplish by the end of the day it will make me feel great. It’s usually something like a task that I’ve been avoiding and also trying to connect with someone.
“Travel lights me up more than anything. It’s so wonderful to learn that there are so many different ways to do things. I like the way it challenges my brain and body. I love being curious and surprised.”
Your space is so peaceful and calming. How has your aesthetic evolved over time?
Thank you! Honestly- it’s rarely peaceful and calm here- we love having people over and the chaos of kids and friends. There’s usually a layer or two of art projects or baking happening. But I do like having a peaceful foundation. I love our very simple and functional primary bedroom and bathroom, it’s a nice place to retreat when it gets crazy out in the house. In contrast I try to let the kids have a lot of autonomy with their own spaces- their bedrooms feel full to the brim with their hobbies and interests.
My aesthetic has evolved a lot—I try to be really open to change and growth. I love mixing things up, it’s why I prefer buying vintage that retains its value and I can resell when I want to shift the space. I’m not really striving for the fully “done” aesthetic. I’m happy where our house is at and also always open to a great Facebook Marketplace piece to find its way here.
What do you love about your home?
I love how it’s situated so that we have privacy and don’t need window treatments; we can leave the windows open to see the trees and view that surround the house. The oak trees on the property give it so much soul, we think of them like members of the family.
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Travel lights me up more than anything. It’s so wonderful to learn that there are so many different ways to do things. I like the way it challenges my brain and body. I love being curious and surprised.
On the daily I’d say being out in nature. I love plants and watching them change with the seasons. I love the way the fog shifts the light and mood. I love all bodies of water.
What future projects do you dream about?
I have so many things I want to do, I need a dozen lifetimes! I’m dreaming about living abroad and starting a company that combines my passions for design and sustainability. I’d love to expand the food we grow. And I’d like to make more things with my hands.
It’s apparent community and giving back are woven into your core values. Are there any organizations or current fundraisers you’re supporting or looking forward to being involved in?
I’m happy that’s apparent, it’s been a value passed on from my parents that we definitely feel is critical to a lifetime of happiness. Especially when things feel so brutal around the world, getting involved in our local community feels like the best antidote to hopelessness. As a family we have loved working with the Multicultural Center of Marin on Saturday mornings distributing food and also at Cedars playing Bingo and making art with individuals with developmental disabilities. We also make a big effort to engage meaningfully with the homeless population in our town and SF, making meals, chatting, and handing out care packets. It’s a lot of little things but we try to stay connected to our larger community on a daily basis.
Any upcoming travel plans you’re excited about?
My oldest daughter turned 16 this year and we are planning a trip together- currently thinking about an Austrian Alps hut-to-hut trek.
Favorite local date night?
We love to listen to live music. Folk Yeah! curates the best shows and music festivals.
Favorite source for vintage finds?
Facebook Marketplace. It has a great algorithm. Midnight Sunlight in Portland has an amazing curation of European midcentury gems.
Favorite family-friendly weekend activity?
Limantour beach for swimming and a long walk with a campfire dinner.
What was your favorite best secondhand score?
This ‘70s French brown corduroy chair and ottoman by Cinna from Eneby Home at Round Top.
What are your local stomping grounds?
We live between two great towns, each charming and with their own flavor:
San Anselmo is super family friendly. On summer weekend nights the main street closes to car traffic and there’s multiple live bands. Everyone comes out to stroll and socialize and dance and it’s really joyful and fun. Longway is a local surf-inspired slow clothing brand with a shop and attached delicious coffee cafe. Souvenir Bottle Shop across the street is a natural wine shop also serving up records and curated vintage home goods. Other solid food spots are Insalatas for the grab and go cold case in the back, and M.H. Bread and Butter for delicious baked goods and surprising salads.
Fairfax has a more laid back hippy vibe. The farmers market in the redwood park on Wednesday evenings during the summer is a great place to grab dinner, groceries, and picnic with the town. The local restaurant scene is impressive for what a small town it is:
Amelie / French farm to table
Village Sake / Japanese Izakaya with insane sushi
Scoop / Organic zero waste hyper local and sweet ice cream shop
Stillwater / Beloved local watering hole with great food and company
For second hand clothes and home goods
SeeSaw is focused on kids clothes and toys
The Home Consignment Center is always worth a quick pass, I’ve found great rugs and side tables there
Fine Estate Sales in San Rafael has a really great curation of vintage
The Antique Society and Rick Petteford Antiques in Sebastopol is an afternoon well spent- lots of vendors and styles represented